Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Letter from the future, concerning plumbing technology.

You walk into the stall, a sensor mounted to the back ceramic bio-terrorism absorbing tiles, instantly downloading your profile contained in the chip installed in the back of your bionic brain. You have had this brain since 1984, but numerous bodys, being that the year is 2220. The sensor takes your information and molds your bathroom experience exactly to your liking. The memory shaping seat sketches and skews to accommodate your unique posterior.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

the future of poop.

Major trends driving the future of technology:

  • Quick change, exponential doubling, tripling and quadrupling of technology
  • Technologies are getting smaller and faster, as well as cheaper.
  • The younger generation is advancing quicker, and acquiring more mass information than the prior one.
  • Direct consumer access to materials, eliminating the need for the “middle man”
  • Prosumption, or consumption + production, which leads to mass customization, i.e., choosing what color, size, or style fits your individual personality

How will these changes affect the world of plumbing over the next twenty years?

  • People, no matter how advanced, will still have to shit. This is not something that can occur “virtually”
  • Plumbing, if not plumbers, will become more intelligent. For example, in most newly constructed homes polyethylene is replacing copper for potable water lines.
  • Your shower can now be wired to the internet with waterproof screen and keyboard. It also has the capacity to house your telephone, and television. Living in this fast paced world, we just don’t have time to stand in the shower for twenty minutes and only accomplish the remedial task of personal hygiene.
  • Most toilets flush automatically when you walk away thanks to advancements in technology's.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

hunting for cool

the only way to be popular, to fit in, is to be cool. trends have definate shelf lives. you dont want to arrive late to a trend, because somthing more cool has sliently superceded it. then youre not cool, but just another sheep.

why do so many new trend emerge so quickly?

  • teens hold a burning desire to spend money
  • teen are givin guilt money, in place of parental interaction.
  • 3000 ads a day are viewed by teens

how do advertizers determine the next cool thing?

  • they serch for indivdual personallity in certain cultural groups.
  • look for trendsettes, the twenty percent of kids that ignore advertizing.
  • as
  • soon as advertizers make somthing cool it stops being cool.


advertizers sell selling
they use emotion
they use market reserch
understanding the need for products even if unnessicary
decode behavior
words store unconcious codes
purchaceacs are emotional, not logiccal or intellectuall
they confuse
they hunt for reptilain hot button

arapi understanding the luxury code

understand the unspoken need of the customer
give us what we want
listen to the people
they do it for everyones benifit.
the language has to work, grab our guts
words can be used to decive



storytelling: a lost tradition?

It used to work like this:

  • an important event would take place in somones life.
  • this event would impact somone and imprint on their memory
  • the events details would be passed on to the next generation orally.
  • and on to the next.
  • the story would stay alive through expression, movment and rich sound.

when did this tradition start to fade?

in my opinion, it was after the advent of a device we call tv.

tv replaced all oral forms of communication, and caused the younger generation to tune out the important stories of their ansestors. so kill your tv.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

recycling bottles

Watch video

our water

326 million trillion gallons of water is constantly recycling on our planet at all times.

  • This water evaporates from the ocean, travels through the air, rains down on the land and then flows back to the ocean.
  • We can’t drink ninety-eight percent of the worlds 326 million trillion gallons of water, due to the simple fact that is fully saturated with salt!

But have you ever wondered what is it that separates us humans from the remaining two percent of potable water?

The answer, you may find surprising.

The answer is plastic.

The typical Americans thirst is quenched each day by local tap water that has been filtered and branded with a fancy logo, such as coca cola’s dansi or pepsi’s aquafina.

What would we do with out these suppliers?

Perish the thought of using a ceramic mug or paper cup.

We need these bottles of water.

We need them so we can quench our communal thirst,

We need them fresh off the shelf.

And we need to throw them out when we done.

We need to continue the cycle, refining crude oil from the ground, and forming plastics.

And we need to throw these single use bottles on the ground.

So new bottles will grow.